Ask them how they're feeling.

Our kids experience a whole bunch of emotions and we don't have to just stick to capturing being happy! So ask them how they're feeling, and capture their emotions.... whether it's laughing, excitement, grumpy... this isn't a say cheese moment, this is a raw and 'capture the moment' moment.
Take photos of them with their pets.

There's something magical about the love our kids share with their pets. It's like they just remember to be a little more present with them than we do, they talk to them, they love them, they need them. It's truly a symbiotic relationship isn't it...
Capture these moments, capture the pets... We lost our Chilli Cat last year and I wish I had a million more photos of him!
Record those special relationships.

There's something so special about the bond between a Dad and his daughter has... I think it's the same for Moms and sons... And obviously Mom's and daughters and Dad's and sons! Granny's and grandkids, brothers playing together. Sometimes it's friends playing side by side, or a baby with their nanny... At the end of the day, relationships are what makes life so beautiful.
Capture the every day moments.

I know mamma.... being a mom can be hard work. Sometimes those every day moments are exhausting... I know.. But... there are days when these moments are magical, and it's these moments that we're going to miss like crazy when they're all big and out the house, or rolling their eyes at us in their teens. Don't forget to capture the everyday moments...
Capture the silly moments!

And perhaps this is also a reminder to be a little silly. I don't know about you, but in this house, the magnet maker is the fun, silly and crazy one, while I'm the organizer, the one reminding them to do their chores, yup, the serious one....
Here's to more silly moments!
Capture aaaaaall the milestones.

Cause you know your mommy heart might think you'll never forget these moments, but it happens. Goodness, I can't even remember my second child's first word any more! How bad is that... So take all the photos! From their first pair of school shoes, their first sports matches, and uniforms. Doing their homework and recording Chip and Biff being read. So many milestones, so many photo opportunities.
Record their current interests.

It might feel like they're going to be playing soldier soldier for ever, or building lego creations, or colouring in or making slime for ever and a day, but before you know it, they'll be painting their nails, or playing Minecraft and won't want to be doing any of those sweet activities. Capture the moments Mamma.
When they are sleeping.

And lastly - is there anything sweeter than a sleeping child. (Or in this case a sleeping child and sleeping puppy, goodness!)
Thanks to Hayley Malherbe for always taking such magical photos and for allowing us to share them here. If you don't follow her already then you can find her here on Instagram.
And then lastly.... don't forget to get some of the magical photos you take off your phone and onto your fridges for all to admire...
Visit to get them onto some fridge magnets for your family.